Project management – Certification according to IPMA (ICB4) – Levels D and C

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Project management – Certification according to IPMA (ICB4) – Levels D and C

Principles and competence elements, methods and techniques with various examples

Autorenschaft: Josef Gubelmann | Claus-J. Sommer | Martin Sedlmayer
Redaktion: Fabienne Streit

Bringing projects to a successful conclusion is one of the most formidable challenges in today’s business world. Changes are now faster, more profound and more dynamic than ever. This makes them complex and hard to manage. Project management is a powerful tool to tackle these  challenges. Accordingly, project management skills and working in project teams gain in importance in comparison to line functions and hierarchies.

This Compendio textbook equips you with the tools you need to develop those skills. It provides an up-to-date, easy-to-understand toolbox for both agile and sequential project management following the Project Management Certification according to IPMA (ICB4) – Levels D
and C. This volume will be your best companion because it puts you and your needs as a reader and learner first – no matter if you are preparing for your IPMA Certification or if you want to learn more about project management methods and techniques.

Each chapter illustrates practical applications with examples as well as clear and comprehensible graphics and illustrations. The summary section of each chapter provides detailed explanations of the key terms for IPMA Project Management Certification – Levels D and C, and it describes how they relate to one another. Questions at the end of each chapter help you test and deepen your knowledge about project management to successfully prepare for the IPMA certification.

This textbook is a recommended reading for anyone interested in advancing project management know-how and skills. In addition, it will benefit students preparing for an internationally valid IPMA Project Management Certification – Level D or C. This textbook is suitable for a classroom setting as well as for self-study and exam preparation.

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Bibliografische Angaben

Auflage: 4th, revised edition 2022

Umfang: 386 Seiten, A4, broschiert

ISBN: 9783715550435

Art. Nr.: 18374

Code: XPMA 001

Sprache: Englisch

Reihe: IPMA




Strategy, Compliance, standards and regulations, Culture and values, Project design, Requirements, objectives and benefits, Quality, Change and transformation, Finance, Organisation and information, Plan and control, Procurement, Risks and opportunities, Stakeholders, Self-reflection and self-management, Personal integrity and reliability, Time, Leadership, Teamwork, Relationships and engagement, Conflict and crises

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    Project management – Certification according to IPMA (ICB4) – Levels D and C
