Banking and payment transactions (E-Book).

195.00 CHF / Ex.


Banking and payment transactions (E-Book).

Autorenschaft: Remy Gerspacher

Modular, practical and up-to-date, the 17 learning booklets impart in-depth banking knowledge
according to the latest didactic findings.

BankingToday is designed for a wide range of uses. From self-study to complete
integration into organised learning units, everything is possible.

Target groups

Trainees in banks and banking-related companies
Secondary school trainees
New bank entrants and employees of banks
Employees of companies related to the banking sector
Secondary school students, vocational school students and other people in bank-related training and further education programmes

This module contains the learning booklets on the following topics:

Banking 1 - Introduction to the world of banking
Banking 2 - Banking regulation, compliance, annual financial statements and risk management
Money laundering
Deposit services
Basic services
The Swiss National Bank

BankingToday also includes the two modules:

Financial and business transactions with 7 learning booklets
Lending activities with 4 learning booklets

The BankingToday course booklets cannot be purchased individually but only in the form of complete modules. Exception: Members of the CYP and the Swiss Bankers Association can also purchase individual booklets.


Further information can be found here:

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Bibliografische Angaben

Auflage: 14th edition 2024

Umfang: 371 Seiten, Ordner A4

ISBN: 9783715500263

Art. Nr.: E-19231

Code: CYPOE 010

Sprache: Englisch

Reihe: BankingToday




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